Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 3 Blog

Week 3 Blog

Q After you have watched the full episode of your choice, write a 400-500 word response answering the following questions: 1. What actor(s) was featured in the video you watched? 2. What was one interesting story or observation that s/he told about his/her experience as an actor? 3. What did the actor say about his/her process in preparing for a particular role?

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I watched the Season 12, Episode 11 of “Inside the Actor’s Studio” where the guest for the show was one of my favorite actor and comedian “Dave Chappelle”. He is a personality full of humor and happiness. His interview in the show was also happening and enjoyable for the audience to watch. I didn’t feel a bit of bore while watching the hour and a half long interview show otherwise which I generally feel. Dave, from the very young age, has started with the stand-up comedian and later joined the film industry as the supporting cast which gained him a huge amount of fame.